Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Delightful Drawing

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
Walt Disney  

Isn't this a very nice drawing by Raymond Ortiz in my 3rd period class?  Raymond took this home and worked on the floral subjects after a discussion on Monday about bringing out the interest in the composition by using strong gradations of dark to light.  Then today we discussed various alternatives to enhancing the composition by creating a background that would show off the floral arrangement.  Next thing I know, Raymond is presenting me with his finished artwork for a final critical analysis.  I gave it two thumbs up and asked if he would mind exhibiting it for awhile in the classroom.  So now it hangs near the door for all to enjoy.
Way to go Raymond!

On Friday we will have a little pre-holiday celebration along with our regular class activities.  I will provide some warm beverages and a small snack and the students may bring in something simple for all to enjoy if they want. I don't care to disrupt the learning/creating process too much, even during these times of the year.  We have little enough time to create.  On Friday, then, I am going to try and shoot some photos of other finished works since many of the students will want to take their work home to either give as gifts or continue working on them over the holidays.

1 comment:

Angi said...

I love the combination of sharp and soft lines in this drawing. And you've done a fantastic job photographing it. I need some tips while you're here!