Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Demos, Practice, and Havin' Fun

"After a  DISCUSSION on NON-VERBAL communication, a WRITTEN assignment was given?"

Last night in my home studio I created a couple of demonstration videos with my iphone.  With the help of a new clamp, a tripod, a portable light, and a drawing surface I was able to put together a couple 5 minute 
presentations on vine charcoal drawing, ebony pencil drawing, india ink painting, and a couple watercolor
I posted the videos on Youtube, so if you want to check them out, the site for the Black/White media is and the site for the watercolor presentation is  It is called Introduction to Watercolor.
I handed out charcoal sticks, kneaded erasers, ebony pencils, paint brushes, and watercolor sets without pigments.  When they are ready to use the paints, they can set up whatever palette they choose by selecting
pads of color from a common tray.  
The students spent the bulk of the period trying out the charcoal in drawing their still life objects and spending some time practicing with the ebony pencils.  Some were still researching the EXPRESSION
categories.  On Friday they will fill out the "My Goal is to" form where they will commit to a plan of 
action.  I will be posting that form on the related blog site


0blivion said...

Enjoyed the videos, except for the taking animals, the other one took a more serious approach

0blivion said...

Oops, wrong article