Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Pre-Holiday break" prep and lesson outline

"Do not ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman

As you may have read in the last post from New York City, I spent 5 days visiting my daughter and grand-daughter there last week end till yesterday.  Had a wonderful time.

Left the classroom chores to a substitute teacher who adequately took charge and it seems as though all the classes went very well.  She commented on the program and was very impressed, asking to by contacted if in the future I might require an absence.  Duly noted.  I asked my 3rd period class, whose judgement I trust in such matters, if they would like to have her return.  A resounding YES was sounded.  Very encouraging.

A couple of interestingly good pieces of information came to my attention today.  One of my students asked me about a particular grade he will be receiving.  I said that since he hadn't received his report card as yet, how did he know?  He said his mother had a computer site she could go to and see how he was doing in all his classes.  How cool is that?  I knew that this thing was in the works, but didn't know it was already possible.  Great news!  The other bit of info had to do with a comment made on this blog about a video.  I posted one recently which had a brief scan of a couple students finishing up their projects.  A blog follower, who  had posted comments in the past, commented on this one in such a way that I suspected that it might be one of the parents of one of my students.  I asked this student about it today and he told me it was actually him.  Now I know there are two connections to this parent and one student.  I find that extremely encouraging.

I received a note from the teacher I share my classroom with today.  He told me that someone from one of my classes had stolen an airbrush from one of his students' lockers.  Of course it had to happen when I wasn't there, as if that would have made any difference.  When I told my first period class about it and told them how disappointed I was to hear it, one of my students came up and shared with me that a fellow student in another class had shown her the airbrush last period on Tuesday.  One contact led to another and potentially the student will get her airbrush back tomorrow.  I suspect the very same student of stealing my ipod touch earlier, but chances are pretty slim he would cop to that also.  But I AM very glad about the student's property.

Next week we are off for THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY all week.  I am posting this little note along with this cycle's lesson on VALUE and EMPHASIS.  When I get back and classes start up again, I'll again start posting activities to this blog.  Till then, HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

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