Thursday, November 11, 2010

90 Slides of Shape and Rhythm

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed"
Napoleon Hill

I finished up the cycle a class period early so that I could get grades into the computer by Friday.  I'm flying out to New York for a few days and so needed the last day of the cycle to introduce the next lesson.  I wanted the students to have the information they needed to proceed without my supervision as they begin the next lesson.

This time I had the students leave their work out for me to photograph.  I'll return it to them Friday.  Some will want their work displayed.  Others will want to take it home.  This gives me an opportunity to share with followers and casual visitors to this blog a wide cross section of work stemming from a simple lesson in Shape and Rhythm and Movement.  I was very pleased with not only the work evidenced here, but also the connection/engagement the students had toward their individual work.  I even shot pictures of some work still not finished.

I added a little Charles Mingus music to the slide show.  It's only a little longer than 5 minutes.  I hope you find it interesting.  Enjoy.

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