Monday, February 28, 2011

Variety is the spice of life

"It takes less time to do a thing right than it does to explain
 why you did it wrong."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   February 27, 1807

Today we started Cycle 5.  During this 6 week period we will study the element of art TEXTURE
and the principle of design VARIETY.  I decided to change things up a little bit again this cycle.
Instead of requiring a certain number of pages to read and notes to take on the lesson, I decided to leave the amount of reading and note taking up to the student.  I did a similar thing first cycle.
The difference is that this cycle I will be giving them a written objective test at the end to see how much they remember from their reading/notes.  I will be curious to see how this affects their grade and their ability to discuss the lesson.
The other thing I decided to change was the sizes of the works they will pursue.  Since we will be doing a bit of print making this cycle, I felt that large works wouldn't necessarily be the best format for the works.  This way they can experiment on a smaller scale and do more of them.  It will hopefully encourage them to try out a variety of techniques and experiences.
We watched a couple of videos on the Silk Screen Printing process I had prepared at home.  The students seemed to like them and I felt a keen sense of anticipation when they were over.
We are going to do some mono prints as well.  I'm looking forward to seeing how they progress.
I'm posting a copy of the lesson sheet I handed out today so you can see what they will be doing to some degree.  The format is the same as the other cycle's lessons.

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