Thursday, September 9, 2010

Time For first GRADE entries

"In our time there are many artists who do something because it is new;  they see their value and the justification in this newness.  They are deceiving themselves;  novelty is seldom the essential.  This has to do with one thing only; making a subject better from its intrinsic nature."
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Today was a quite busy day in class.  We started out watching two short videos titled WHAT IS ART?
I found them on Youtube and found them to be entertaining as well as informational...just the ticket for the captive audience of a high school class.  Go to  for the Creature
Comforts version and to for the more serious approach to the subject. 
After taking notes on the videos in their log books, I distributed the 18 X 24 white drawing paper they will be using to create their studio art works.  I demonstrated the use of the paper cutter and discussed with them the concept involved with using all the time they will have to complete the 1, 2, 4, or 8 finished artworks this grading period.  They also received the same size newsprint paper to work out preliminary designs.
On Monday I will demonstrate the use of charcoal, colored pencil, and watercolor.  I will also discuss ways in which to approach the idea of using their small sketches into larger compositions.
I was able to upload a very short video of a few students drawing from their chosen still life subjects into
a site called VIMEO.  If you click on this link, you will be able to view it.
Finally, the last item on the agenda was to average the grades students took on their work so far in class in the five categories and enter these into the computer.  Except for a few, the grades were very close to ones I would have given them myself.  I feel as though most are taking a very honest look at their involvement.  I hope this is the case and it continues.  I'll keep you all posted.


Angi said...

I love the combination of mini-lessons and time to implement ideas/concepts if appropriate and needed. These students are experiencing a type of learning most wouldn't be given the opportunity until getting their BFA. So exciting to watch this journey unfold.

0blivion said...

Enjoyed the videos, except for the talking animals, the other one took a more serious approach